The award-winning children’s book, The Rainbow Fish, was illustrated and written by Marcus Pfister, and translated
into English by J. Alison James.
The story tells a tale of a fish with shiny, multi-coloured scales named Rainbow Fish. The fish has always been fond of
its scales, but one day, his fish friend asks if he could have one of Rainbow Fish’s scales and Rainbow Fish refuses.
After this, he loses his little fish friends due to his lack of sharing.
Upset and lonely, Rainbow Fish gets some advice from his friend starfish who tells him to go visit the
mysterious octopus for advice. Rainbow fish does, and octopus tells him that he should give his friends
his shiny scales to win them back, he does and soon he has no more shiny scales, but has lots of friends
and lives happily ever after!
The book is full of wonderful images of underwater life, handcrafted by Pfister, perfect for a good night tale.
You can find The Rainbow Fish at your local bookstore, online or at the London Aquarium gift shop.