When Andy Loveland wanted to get his three-year-old son riding a bike sans training wheels, he could not find a
product on the market that suited his needs.
So instead of winging about it or settling for an imperfect product, he set out to create a bike that would meet
his requirements, and evidently the requirements of other parents, resulting in the conception of Early Rider
in 2006.
What Andy created was a bike that would allow parents to teach their children how to ride safely, without using
stabilisers. Mr. Loveland made the bikes with a sit and go philosophy, ensuring children could do exactly that,
learning first to balance, pedal free and gradually moving up to steering.
The stylish and safe bikes are exquisitely crafted in FSC approved birch veneer with various chic design details, like the
retro embossed flame, making them a green and stylish accessory for your fashionable on-the-go tot.
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Hi Mia,
We are working on getting the buttons on our site. Here are the links to our FB:http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages&tid=1146429518945#!/pages/AlexandAlexacom/249722754940?ref=ts and TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/theirlilworld
Easy Rider’s are beyond clever, I got one for each of my twin sons and they ADORE them.