With every photoshoot, we meet a new mini model, but we also get to spend time with some of our favourites, including our June Magazine cute covergirl, Nikol, who is not only wise beyond her years, but an interesting, creative and sweet little girl.

Nikol made time for us after her homework was finished to tell us about herself, her aspirations, and what it is like to be a mini model:
Age: 8
Country of Birth: England
How long have you been modelling and what made you decide to be a model?
I have been modelling for two years and it kind of happened by accident. My mum sent in a picture and then all of a sudden I was a model!
What is the best thing about being a model?
What is best about being a model is that I get to meet so many new people every time I do it and I get to make so many new friends. And I get to go cool places and do fun things. Like at the last Alexandalexa photoshoot in Jersey, when it wasn’t my go, I had so much fun digging holes in the sand until they filled up with water and just getting a bit mucky. I also liked playing with the little dog Rosie, she looked like Toto from The Wizard of Oz, she was so sweet.
What is your favourite outfit you wore on the last Alexandalexa.com photo shoot you did in Jersey?
The one with the bag , the gold skirt and the sparkly shirt, it was so cool. (Nikol was wearing Antik Batik’s Lidy Kid Skirt, White Sequin Flower Top, Bongo Sandals and Lulu Black Bag)

What kinds of clothing do you like to wear at the weekend?
It depends on how I am feeling. If I am going to ride my bicycle with my cousin then I just wear a track suit, if I am feeling really natural and girly I wear pretty dresses with flowers, and if I am feeling a bit silly, I dress all miss matched like Pippy Long Stockings and jump on my bed!
What is your favourite kind of music and who is your favourite band?
I like pop and rock, but my favourite band is the Beatles, their music is so cool, sometimes it’s fast, sometimes it’s slow, but it is all so good, I love it!
What is your favourite book?
Alice in Wonderland, I love Alice in Wonderland.
What is your favourite food?
My mum’s Chocolate soufflé, she is such a good cook, I love everything my mum makes.
What is your favourite colour?
Anything in the light blue family, like turquoise, baby blue, sky blue, powder blue, just blue!
What languages do you speak?
I speak English of course and Bulgarian because my parents are Bulgarian and right now I am learning French in school.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be an artist, I love to draw, I like to sketch ladies with wings. My dad is an artist too so I learn a lot from him.
What is your favourite subject in School?
Literature, I am writing a book right now, it is kind of like Lord of the Rings but not a scary, it is more like Lord of the Fairies, it’s all about Fairies.
What kinds of things to you do on the weekends when you are all done your homework?
All sorts of things! I love just having a lazy breakfast and doing my art or writing. My parents aren’t that organized so sometimes my mum says (mimicking her mother’s Bulgarian accent) “today we are cleaning the whole house”, but I don’t mind, I kind of like cleaning, my mum can make it fun.
Here is Nikol having fun on the shores of Jersey in her most recent photoshoot with us:

If there are any questions, you or your aspiring mini models would like to ask Nikol, or want to let us know what you think of this interview, leave a comment below!